Wednesday, May 16, 2012


It would be a miracle if I could manage to discover the art of Consistancy! That would be the key to unlocking all the desires of my heart.... Somehow I seem to b he downfall of my own Rome! Anywho..... Just thought I'd say that. Thnks for listening, that is all. Have a great day

Friday, July 22, 2011

trying to get in the mood

this has been a tough week for me... nothing major, just hard to get motivated, stay motivated and interested in anything.

to top it off i work this saturday! saturdays suck for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i absolutely HATE working on saturdays)  it seems like i give my all mon-fri, and the weekends should be for my family!!! but such is life... you dont work, you dont eat.... so im trying to get with it!!!

looking for the things im greatufl for in my life to add a little umh in my step.... ie: hubby, kids, family, friends, sunshine, ice tea, carne asada tacos, bath and body works, candles.... lol... small things... yep. im starting to feel a little better now.

ok...... well, i have 3 mins left on my break at work.... deep breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok. all better... have a great day

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One Down..... three to go

Our oldest son graduated high school last month.  I have to tell you, i was sooooooooooo on pins and needles.  I have the greatest son on earth!  however he is totally on planet (original).  he is so very nonchalant about everything.  toward the end of senior year, he started completely falling off the gravy train... didn't care about school in any regard (mind you, this has always been a struggle with him, but he waited to the last few months to totally wig out)  i just want to thank God for loving me enough to push him through, by any means necessary!  (literally)

of course me being mom, had all these grand ideas about how this day would be, and go... needless to say, this was his day, done his way!!!!  and looking back at it all, I'm glad my hubby didn't allow me to run the show.  after all..... this was not my day...

tony was a disappointed in himself for not doing his best, but as we tried to point out... "dude, you did it!"  sometimes we have to just be ok with the fact that we made it through.  so he opted to have a small get together.  in our small place it turned more into a HUGE get together with people bursting out the seams!!!  It was so touching to see everyone that loves us and our children come out and support.  there were the great grandparents of course (that we didn't allow to purchase plane tickets and come all this way) but they were there even still in the midst of the conversation and celebration.
my wish for our son is that his life be full of joy, that he uses this small step as a staircase to the door to unlock his dreams.

I couldn't be more proud!

So Here's To DO-OVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be my second, or third attempt at blogging (but who's counting....) (hopefully not you. lol)  I do know the freedom blogging offers to my life, I am the definition of procrastination!  (hey i cant be totally perfect, there had to be one thing wrong with me...hehehehe) 

Anywho.... so here goes nothing, or hopefully EVERYTHING!

I had the day off, lucky me will be working Saturday :(  and today is as perfect a day as any to get a move on life.  if you are following me, you either know me personally and intimately, know someone who knows me, or found me remotely interesting, so ill try to keep you entertained while fulfilling the reason I'm blogging in the first place.  which is.... to discover ME.... to open up to myself, find my comfort zone and explore in depth who i am, what i enjoy, what makes me tick.  to grow, to live, to explore.... to breathe.

so... hence the title of this post.... here's to DO-OVERS... SHALL WE BEGIN?